Jio: A virtual social platform ... with cats!
JIO is an app for both for social and productivity purposes.
JIO will allow users to meet up virtually with their friends, in a game-like
monkeydance: 24h Unity Game Jam
A small Unity Game made in 24 Hours, test how fast can you press arrow keys
Website HTML
My second website, built with Bootstrap, SCSS, JS and good ol’ HTML5 (I’m not
sure why either)
ARXScore: An XGBoost estimator for VSRG map difficulty estimation
An XGBoost estimator for VSRG map difficulty estimation.
Django - re:amberPy
Because Heroku is now on paid plans, the website stopped working. Therefore,
the code has also gone into the abyss
It worked on, before
the migration to paid plans.

numpy_as_strided_guide: A LaTeX tutorial on how NumPy as_strided operates.
A LaTeX tutorial on how NumPy as_strided operates.
33 post articles, 5 pages.